And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.”
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, the shield of your help and the sword of your majesty!
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Patterns for heavenly citizens to live holy lives.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Here are some vectors of the Force of Mercy that move us towards full potential in Christ.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
The most important work we can do as a church is to see Christ formed in people. If you can connect someone to Christ within, they will realize how to live, to care for others, to love God and humanity without external motivation. This is really the genius of God through the church that helps people to coordinate their functions and synergize their faith to see a corporate representation of Christ through a local church.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
“Redemption on a global scale takes a big sacrifice.” That is why Jesus had to suffer on the cross for us, so that he can save the world forever!
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Here are some levers that we can learn to use to develop more of the character of Christ in us.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
I attended a filmmaker’s course with an emphasis on screen writing at the Artscape in Cape Town, 2003. They gave us some points in character development that I found very useful. But looking at it from a spiritual perspective has really given me some Riches of inner Character:
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Leigh Collins Morning Service
The first thing recorded of God is that He created. He created us in His image. A key is created in the image of the lock. The door of creativity is open to us because we are made in God’s image. This message will give you three keys to increase creativity in Christ.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Isa 32:1 Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, And princes will rule with justice. […]
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
The Good News is that you can escape the fire of the Lord’s anger and receive His forgiveness for evil and sin through Jesus Christ. Get on the Lord’s side of this eternal battle and share in the spoils of victory!
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
So we first have to humble ourselves and give over to Jesus confessing that without Jesus, we are not good in ourselves. That is called repentance. When we repent it when we stop and make a bout turn and go the opposite way. In the Bible the word repentance links up with the process a butterfly goes through from egg to adult. The process is called Metamorphosis. That is what happens to our lives when we give up trying to be a beautiful butterfly and let Jesus change us!
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
As we make godly appeals it will motivate people from within to comply to divine standards set by the Apostolic appeals in the New Testament and bring reform in the Church that will reform the land.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
As one studies God’s Word’s, it sharpens the spiritual senses of discernment to single out men and women who had the ability to break and destroy the enemy and who could build a stronghold for the people to be secure. Although there were many, I have chosen Nehemiah, Ezra, Jesus, Paul as focal points. Other reformers have also been mentioned in the chapters dealing with God’s principles.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, spoke on the day of Pentecost in a way no one has ever spoken before and set an example for us to follow. Here are some indications that it was the Spirit prompting him to speak on that eventful & historic day.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
The main difference between personal fasting and God’s chosen fast is that when you fast it changes your personal wineskin to receive new wine. When you apply God’s chosen fast it is for others to benefit as the passage in Isaiah 58 reveals: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke?”
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Here are some ways that we can disappear and reveal more of Jesus’ glory to our generation. The early revivalist churches had a note on the pulpit for the new preacher: “Sir we would see Jesus.” John the Baptist said: “He must increase and I must decrease.”
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Morning Service Prophet Nola Pelser
I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” -Isaiah 43:18-19
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Abraham was the first person who believed that God could raise someone from the dead. He believed that God would raise his son from the ashes of the offering. In doing so, he paved the way for us to believe that God could raise Jesus from the dead. Abraham came from a land of idols, where people sacrificed their children to false gods. God stopped him from harming Isaac, and told him that He Himself will provide: a prophetic statement that God would provide an offering for the reconciliation of mankind.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Jesus baptises us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Prophet John the Baptist prepared the way for the fire of God through prophesying and speaking into being the destructive process with which Jesus was to baptise. John understood the technology of God’s fire as he had himself experienced God’s fire during his life of separation.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Confidence must have a permanent source if it is always going to be available. Self-confidence soon runs out, but there is a source of confidence that will never run dry.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Lies of the enemy are structures that harbor demonic spirits. We receive God’s Word by faith which washes us and removes the original lie — that of doubting God, and all of the other lies built upon it crumble. We speak the truth of God’s Word to combat falsehood. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Evangelist Brian Adams Morning Service
Faith moves God, but forgiveness releases His power. Jesus’ act on the cross achieved a galactic realigning. We are supernaturally translated from the kingdom of darkness, to the Kingdom of Light. We are justified by faith. We are born again, and we are new creations — we are something that never existed before. When we forgive others, there is a galactic realigning in our lives.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle E. O. Godwins Morning Service
“Now the end of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith” – 1 Timothy 1:5
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle Nicolas Schmidt Morning Service
Sometimes we think that the death of Jesus is the most important part of Jesus’ life, but the most important part of his life is the resurrection. Jesus tells us that if we don’t take up our cross and follow Him, then we cannot be with Him. Jesus’ resurrection was the most important moment in the history of the universe. He not only raised from the grave, but HE IS the resurrection.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
There are certain aspects of Moses’ faith in God that makes it outstanding enough to stimulate our faith thousands of years later.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
The church is not merely the house of God. It is the gate of heaven! That is the entry point into heaven. God’s presence is there. No matter how hard or dark your situation might be, God’s presence will never leave you if you are part of a church. He will give you a dream that will change your life and change the place where you are.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Our work has to do with the restoration of all things to the church and to the King of the Church Jesus Christ. Our work is spiritual.
When our work is done He will fetch us and we will meet Him in the air and be with him forever in the new heaven and the new earth where righteousness dwells.
We see it even though it seems afar off, we embrace it and we confess that we are strangers and pilgrims on this earth like our faith parents Abraham and Sarah and we will not be the last but the first to bring back the king by His grace through faith.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Job 42:10 – And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Many people read & study the Bible, many people memorize and quote the Bible, some even meditate in the Word, but not everyone gets understanding. The understanding heart produces 100 fold results. If you understand something you are established in it.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Faith is contagious. It stimulates others to believe. Let us today become a Caleb or a Joshua and say, ‘I believe we are well able to do this!’ What a difference it makes to a group of people if there is a Caleb among them.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Israel was not merely a chose people but they were chosen to serve God among all the other nations: ‘un people choisi pour me servir’ (Exode 19:1-25). In the New Covenant the Church is a chosen race, a peculiar and holy nations to show forth the praises of God in the world (I Peter 2:9).
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
By My Spirit, says the Lord. Zechariah, the prophet, made a proclamation that lasted for centuries and still rings true today! It is not just a motivational statement, but also an eternal truth.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
The only two qualities that Jesus ever suggested that his disciples should learn from him were humility and meekness. He never told them that they should learn how to preach or how to pray or even how to heal the sick! Why are these two qualities so important to life?
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
When we return to the Hose of God, we return like an orbit to another level of existence. Although it may seem like a repetitive sequence of returns, at each instance God has achieved another victory, fulfilled another promise, and changed another part of Jacob’s nature so that this orbiting back to Bethel becomes even more significant for us today.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Friendship in Christ is keeping his words and commands. That is how we stay in the sphere of God’s love – keeping His word and acting it out by His Spirit daily. It is actually quite simple: let the Holy Spirit remind you of His Word in every situation.