The word fullness is pléróma. The image given is of a boat loaded with oarsmen, provision and soldiers to protect the supplies. It has everything it needs to reach it’s destination. Jesus came at the fullness of time, and the fullness of God dwells in Him bodily.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Nicolas Schmidt Morning Service
Sometimes we think that the death of Jesus is the most important part of Jesus’ life, but the most important part of his life is the resurrection. Jesus tells us that if we don’t take up our cross and follow Him, then we cannot be with Him. Jesus’ resurrection was the most important moment in the history of the universe. He not only raised from the grave, but HE IS the resurrection.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Carel Marais Apostle Jan Oosthuizen Apostle Tobias Basson Summit 2018
James tells us that faith is work and work is faith. The word anointing was first used in the Bible in reference to craftsmen. As a church, we are called to work in the anointing so that our work becomes Christ-like. We each have a distinct calling, and when we discover that calling and walk accordingly, money will come to us instead of searching after money. Your excellence of work will bring you before kings.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Summit 2018
Representatives from Harvester churches throughout the globe gather for the sixteenth Harvester International Summit. This is the first session of the summit.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Evening Service
Jesus told his apostles “I give you the keys of the Kingdom.” We are part of the eternal Kingdom. These are keys that will help you to live the kingdom lifestyle, learning meekness and humility from Jesus, operating in rest and bearing fruit to the glory of God.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
There are certain aspects of Moses’ faith in God that makes it outstanding enough to stimulate our faith thousands of years later.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Evening Service
“…let him take hold of My strength, That he may make peace with Me; And he shall make peace with Me.” -Isaiah 27:5
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
The church is not merely the house of God. It is the gate of heaven! That is the entry point into heaven. God’s presence is there. No matter how hard or dark your situation might be, God’s presence will never leave you if you are part of a church. He will give you a dream that will change your life and change the place where you are.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Evening Service
Faith works through love.
Love is patient.
Between the manifestation of your faith and the release of your faith, there is a time where you must exercise patience.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Our work has to do with the restoration of all things to the church and to the King of the Church Jesus Christ. Our work is spiritual.
When our work is done He will fetch us and we will meet Him in the air and be with him forever in the new heaven and the new earth where righteousness dwells.
We see it even though it seems afar off, we embrace it and we confess that we are strangers and pilgrims on this earth like our faith parents Abraham and Sarah and we will not be the last but the first to bring back the king by His grace through faith.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged
In the battle of Thermopylae where the 300 Spartans along with a few thousands Greeks withstood the 70,000 -100,000 Persians is the stuff of legends and has inspired many armies to face the odds and win. Gideon had 300 and faced the Midianites and Amalekites who were as numerous as locusts – God gave him a strategy to advance and win in spite of what he had. Let’s look at some of the reasons for Abraham’s success in war and why he and Sarah were called a father and mother of faith and of nations.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged
1 Timothy 6:6 – Now godliness with contentment is great gain. We need to learn contentment […]
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Job 42:10 – And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Evening Service
John 17 – Oh Holy Father maintain a watchful care over them in your name, which you have given me, in order that they may be one as we are one. When I was with them I constantly maintained a watchful care over them in your name, those whom you have given me. And I guided them and no one of them were lost except the son of perdition, in order that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Many people read & study the Bible, many people memorize and quote the Bible, some even meditate in the Word, but not everyone gets understanding. The understanding heart produces 100 fold results. If you understand something you are established in it.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Evening Service Pastor Billy Strauss
There are many things that can make us fear our future, so it is important to understand how to address the future. What do we say about our future? The scripture gives us keys to understand and think about our future.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Faith is contagious. It stimulates others to believe. Let us today become a Caleb or a Joshua and say, ‘I believe we are well able to do this!’ What a difference it makes to a group of people if there is a Caleb among them.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
Israel was not merely a chose people but they were chosen to serve God among all the other nations: ‘un people choisi pour me servir’ (Exode 19:1-25). In the New Covenant the Church is a chosen race, a peculiar and holy nations to show forth the praises of God in the world (I Peter 2:9).
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Evening Service
“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ.”
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Evening Service
As an apostolic people, we need to understand the inner make-up of a true apostle, knowing that Christ Jesus is our main example as the Apostle and High Priest of our confession of faith (Heb 3:1). Paul’s defense of his Apostleship provides the spiritual technology for unveiling the inner workings of an apostolic mind-set and behavioral patterns for an apostolic reformation church.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Evening Service
So the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. Thus Israel saw the great work which the Lord had done in Egypt; so the people feared the Lord, and believed the Lord and His servant Moses.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle André Pelser Morning Service
By My Spirit, says the Lord. Zechariah, the prophet, made a proclamation that lasted for centuries and still rings true today! It is not just a motivational statement, but also an eternal truth.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
The only two qualities that Jesus ever suggested that his disciples should learn from him were humility and meekness. He never told them that they should learn how to preach or how to pray or even how to heal the sick! Why are these two qualities so important to life?
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
When we return to the Hose of God, we return like an orbit to another level of existence. Although it may seem like a repetitive sequence of returns, at each instance God has achieved another victory, fulfilled another promise, and changed another part of Jacob’s nature so that this orbiting back to Bethel becomes even more significant for us today.
Posted 7 years ago Tagged Apostle Aje Pelser Morning Service
Friendship in Christ is keeping his words and commands. That is how we stay in the sphere of God’s love – keeping His word and acting it out by His Spirit daily. It is actually quite simple: let the Holy Spirit remind you of His Word in every situation.
Posted 9 years ago Tagged
Peace (shalom) means perfect well-being, completeness, with all necessary good, all prosperity (spiritually and physically); freedom from fears, freedom from agitating passions, and freedom from moral conflicts.
Posted 12 years ago Tagged
Confidence must have a permanent source if it is always going to be available. Self confidence soon runs out, but there is a source of confidence that will never run dry.
Posted 12 years ago Tagged
We have an anointing from the Holy One and we do not heed false teachers and winds of doctrine, but the anointing within teaches us concerning all men’s doctrine. When we build our house on the rock of revelation of Jesus Christ the Son of God, and the revelation of who we are in Him and Christ within us the hope of glory, then we will not be shaken by storms.
Posted 14 years ago Tagged
Patterns in Paul’s life that led to his salvation, we can use to reap the great harvest of souls in these last days.
Posted 14 years ago Tagged
Parallels in the account of Jonathan and his armor-bearer that will help us subdue our enemy and conquer for Jesus.