By Apostle André Pelser.
There have been some wonderful testimonies over the last few weeks in our Church. We give God all the glory! Brother Leslie Barberry testified how he led a Muslim lady to the Lord. She had an issue of blood for many years and came to him to ask for prayer. Within 3 days the issue of blood stopped – just like it happened in the Bible! The Doctors confirmed the healing and the woman is now a child of God. We had testimonies of more healing, protection, provision for jobs. God is good!
Components of God’s Great Composition
When God created the universe and the sun and the moon and the galaxies the morning stars sang together. (Job 38:7) The Hebrew word for ‘compose’ is ‘shoor’ and it means, to go about, stroll around, singing like a minstrel or troubadour. The Greek word for ‘compose’ is ‘soong-kerannomee’ meaning to co-mingle, mix with or combine.
When they tempered their flour cakes with oil in the Old Testament, they anointed it with oil. (Exodus 29:2) The word ‘temper’ is ‘bahal’ and it speaks of mingling oneself with or fade into something, giving until it overflows. Another way of putting it is to say you ‘season it with salt.’ To temper together, in Hebrew, is, ‘mawlahk’, and it depicts rubbing together till it disappears like dust. (Exodus 30:35)
God’s great composition began when He created the universe and the earth and all that dwells in it, but the climax was when He created man from the dust of the earth. Dust is shapeless, so He picked the early morning when the dew came up out of the ground and wet the earth. The dust became clay. You can shape something with clay. Adam means ‘red dust’.
As the earth was void and without form, so man was dust without form. God formed the earth with a Word from His mouth, but He made man with His own hands. He looked at the whole of creation and saw that it was good, but there was nothing that could relate to Him. So, God made man in His own image in order to commune with him. He made man to sing His redemption song along with the morning stars that sang together.
But man chose to sing another song. He decided to sing a song of sin and decay, of lust and corruption, of violence and destruction. He willfully chose to sing the song of the devil.
Lucifer was in charge of music in heaven. Music was found in Him. He was Mr. Music in charge of praise and worship around the throne. Then pride entered his heart and he said: ‘I will put my throne above God’s throne!’ He wanted the angels to worship him instead. But God cast him and all the angels that followed him out of heaven forever and cast them down to earth. Their eternal destiny is hell and torment. The devil hi-jacked music and is still doing so today, getting people to sing his songs instead of worshipping God. (Ezekiel 28:14-19; Isaiah 14: 12 – 15) Lucifer was once called the son of the morning, or day star, but now he has been brought low and is called the devil.
When man chose to sing the song of the devil, God’s song became quiet. God’s great composition was no longer being sung. The song was no longer heard. It seemed that the great Composer was at a loss: the words no longer rhymed, the composition no longer came together, the chord sequences did not fit, every instrument played in a different key and the rhythm was disjointed. It was no longer a beautiful symphony, but a cacophony of sounds and tingling cymbals.
It became quiet in the universe. Then, when no one expected it, someone stepped forward and announced: ‘I will go and restore your song, Father!’ It was God’s own Son, Jesus Christ, who willingly gave Himself to restore His Father’s composition. He took our sinful natures upon Himself so that we might partake of his divine nature. He put the finishing touches on God’s composition on the cross of Calvary. In His darkest moment He cried: ‘It is finished!’ He announced that the Great Composer’s composition was finally completed! He said, ‘Father, your song is finished. You can sing your song now! And the whole of creation can join in!’
Suddenly there was a mighty sound in heaven and earth! It was the sound of a song of salvation and strength! It was the Great Composition of the redemption of man and the universe! Satan was overthrown and the blood of Jesus paid the price for the sin of mankind!
Jesus became the bright and morning star. We became the new morning stars through faith in Him.
Daniel tells us that those who lead many to righteousness shall shine like stars in the firmament. (Daniel 12: 2, 3) We who have received the gift of righteousness through faith in Christ Jesus, and lead others to righteousness become the new morning stars! When we worship God and praise Him, we join in, mix with, mingle with the morning stars of creation and with Jesus the bright and morning star to sing God’s praises and bring honor to His wonderful Name! We rub together until we fade away in Christ, until we can truly say, it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me!
Can you see God singing and dancing as He created the universe and the earth and all that dwells in it? Can you see God singing over His creation of man? God says he sings about you! (Jeremiah 32:41) The prophet Zephaniah, (his name means, ‘hidden of God’) who was a friend of Jeremiah during Zedekiah’s reign, prophesied: ‘He will rejoice over you with gladness!’ Some Bible translations say, He will rejoice over you with singing! God sings about you because He created you and redeemed you; you are twice His! It is not much to ask of us that we would also sing about Him in Church and make melody in our hearts to the Lord when we are alone! (Ephesians 5:18; Colossians 3:16)
When we praise and worship God together in Church we mingle with the angelic choir in the Church of the Firstborn in heaven, we mix with the morning stars in creation singing together and we join in with Jesus Christ, the bright and morning stars as well as with the Father who rejoices over us with singing!
It is like one great symphony! It is God’s great composition. God is the great composer of this song of redemption!
Dr. Gray used to sing at Miracle Valley, Arizona:
Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, in my heart He has planted a song:
A song of deliverance and courage and strength,
In my heart He has planted a song!
Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Schubert, Mozart, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff and all the great composers were released in the earth to reproduce the compositions they heard in their hearts. Beethoven said, there is music at the center of the universe that has never been heard. He said he heard the universe singing and then wrote great compositions.
A symphony orchestra has about 100 musicians and every instrument is tuned in a different key, but they make one sound that is harmonious and perfect. The composer has to understand all those instruments and write every single note for every musician. It takes a brain of a genius to do that! If I play piano in the key of ‘G’ then Greg our blues harpist plays his C harmonica. A saxophone is tuned to the key of E flat and a trumpet in B flat!
A conductor of a symphony orchestra has to know the entire score off by heart because he has to indicate with his baton to each musician a beat before they have to play. It takes a genius to conduct an orchestra!
Now God is The Great Composer. Let us read I Corinthians 12: 23 – 27 together! It tells us how God composed the body of Christ and how we make up that composition as members of that body. We harmonize together under the baton of God!
Elihu the young man that was full of the Spirit of the living God told Job about his God that gives songs in the night! (Job 35:10) Paul & Silas sang hymns at midnight in prison and creation responded! An earthquake broke off all the prison chains to set the captives free! (Acts 16:25) When we sing with the Great Composer the earth responds! We set prisoners free! In your darkest hour God gives you a song in your heart to sing. We make melody in our hearts to our God. We sing a new song to our God!
He is the great Composer. We combine together with Him, mix with Him, mingle with Him, we rub shoulders with angels as we worship, and we sing together with the morning stars as we worship God our creator and composer of the song of redemption.
Wonderful, wonderful Jesus! In my heart He has planted a song. A song of deliverance, of courage and strength, in my heart He has planted a song!
Photo by Isaac Ibbott